Friday, 4 May 2018

I'm Not Dead

Hi all. Yes, it's really me. Your friendly neighbourhood Dave. Although, for a lot of you reading this, I'm probably not in your neighbourhood anymore. Does that just make me friendly Dave? The artist formerly known as friendly neighbourhood Dave? Who knows? I don't. Anyway, I've been a bit quiet on the old blog for a while now. A fair few months. Mainly because I've been super busy. Busier than I've been in a very long time. Lemme tell ya what I've been doing.

Firstly, I got myself a new job. I am now the Assistant Manager of a nightclub called Mosh in Leicester. It has 3 floors (4 if you count the office floor), about 40 or so members of staff, cheap booze and friendly vibes. It also has a sewage pipe that, when open, is easy to fall into if you aren't paying attention to where you're going. It is the most challenging and relentless work that I've ever done, but if you aren't being challenged by what you're doing can you really call it work? Yes. Yes you can. But this job is undoubtedly tough and takes a lot of time, dedication and graft to do well. In the last few months I've become first aid trained, I have an SIA license (I am the skinniest and most un-menacing doorman in the history of doormen), I have a personal license, and I also finally passed my driving test after around 10 years of not taking my test, walking everywhere and regularly swearing at public transport. I've never felt more like an adult. Having this job moves me swiftly onto my second bit of news.

As I said, the nightclub is in Leicester. I was living in Derby. Commuting to and from Leicester wasn't fun at all. Commuting from Leicester at 5 in the morning was, in fact, the polar opposite of fun. I mean, if your idea of fun is sitting on a bus for 2 hours whilst drunken idiots covered in doner meat and garlic mayo periodically get on and off, and are also occasionally joined by incredibly sober and grumpy people going to work or posh people going on holiday, then get on the Skylink at St Margaret's bus station. You'll love it. I do not fall into that category. I therefore moved to Leicester way back in January. It now takes me 10 minutes to get home and life is wonderful. I moved into my own place for the first time. It's small, but it's all mine, so it feels a lot bigger than it looks. It gets lonely from time to time, but I never run out of toilet paper anymore and none of my food ever goes missing so I overlook that bit. It was also marketed as a flat but it has stairs, which either means the landlord has no idea what a flat is or he's scared of stairs and has never actually seen the other floor. Either way, I like it here.

Although I haven't been writing an awful lot on here, I have still been writing for Invicta Magazine. I've been writing reviews for a ton of metal, hardcore and emo releases over the last few months, and I'm still really enjoying writing and listening. If you want to read any of my reviews for them, you can find them by clicking HERE. Definitely read the Tiny Moving Parts review, I talk about cats and doughnuts in it.

My reviewing is going to be kicking back into gear as of now. The amount of free time I have has grown recently, and I intend on throwing myself back into things with immediate effect. I want to be more involved with writing and creating in both my personal and professional lives, and I reckon that striving to make something out of this blog may be a good way to push for that. Fingers crossed ay?

This is the beginning. Again. A new beginning. Or maybe a rebirth of sorts. Picking up where I left off. All of the above are true. Sort of. I'll shut up now.

Peace out.


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