Saturday 30 September 2017

What I've Been Listening To - September 2017

What a month this has been for new music. What. A. Month. An incredible month for hardcore with some of the scenes heavyweights finally unveiling new material, as well as some huge sounding albums from a variety of other genres. Some of those albums have stuck with me throughout the month, snagging my attention right from the first listening and keeping me addicted. Other albums I've listened to are ones I've been rediscovering; revisiting their musical pools and going for a swim. The following albums are where I've done the majority of my metaphorical swimming.

The Contortionist - Clairvoyant

Wow. Just wow. I've been a huge fan of The Contortionist for a few years now, but this album is something else. Their most melodic album to date, but I honestly think it's their best. The way it flows from beginning to end is so smooth, transitioning from soft calm passages to dramatic flamboyant cadences, it's a real musical journey that I want to keep going on. If you aren't familiar with The Contortionist and you like modern prog, do not sleep on this album. A very strong contender for album of the year.

Seaway - Vacation

One of pop punks most underrated acts have released one of the genres best albums of 2017. The album is full of infectiously catchy vocals and bouncy posi vibe riffs that it's literally impossible not to like. If you could pack a sunny holiday into an album, this is exactly what it would sound like. Best listened to with a hatred for your home town and more pizza than your appetite can handle. Maybe listen to it with friends that you don't mind sharing pizza with.

PVRIS - All We Know Of Heaven, All We Need Of Hell

This one has been a bit of a grower for me, but after a few listens I'm in love with it. I was hooked on PVRIS after the release of White Noise a few years ago, and was so excited about the new record, but on the first listen it just didn't hit me in the same way. I left it alone for a little while and revisited it, and on doing so it all just fell into place. Lynn's vocals are powerful as ever, and the vibe of the music is just as brooding and intricate as before, just with a slightly more commercial feel. I don't think they've topped White Noise, but this album is still worth your time.

Northlane - Singularity

Their best album with Adrian, without a shadow of a doubt. Northlane have become a powerhouse over the last few years with the addition of Marcus, adding an incredible vocal range to their sound and adapting their music ever so slightly to compliment his voice. Singularity, however, is an unrelenting beast of an album, and quite possibly the bands best. The guitar riffs are heavy and intricate, their use of dynamics is clever and tasteful, and the vocals are just so raw and full of venom. It's impossible to listen to this and not want to trash everything that's around you.

Funeral For A Friend - Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation

I have so much love for this album. I grew up listening to this, and pretty much the entire reason I had a massive emo fringe was because Darran Smith did. The vocals are all so catchy and emotionally driven, remaining memorable all these years. The guitar work is sensational, and there wasn't really an emo band around at the time that were writing riffs like that. They were essentially a metal band that were upset about a lot of things. This is one of my favourite albums of all time, and I'll never get bored of this record.

September has been great for music, for all genres. I hope that October proves to be just as fruitful. If anyone reading this has anything they'd like me to review, be it a band I need to check out or perhaps it's your own band, let me know!


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